Finding Comfort: The Best Pickleball Paddle for Broken Finger Pain

by | Oct 26, 2023 | Carbon Fiber Paddles | 0 comments

If you’ve recently injured your finger and still want to continue playing pickleball, you may be wondering what the best paddle is for players dealing with broken finger pain. In this article, we will explore the key factors to consider and recommend some of the top pickleball paddles that can provide comfort and alleviate pain while still allowing you to enjoy the game.


Best Pickleball Paddle For Broken Finger Pain


What Is The Best Pickleball Paddle For Broken Finger Pain


Finger injuries are common in pickleball, and they can significantly impact your ability to play the game. From tendinitis in the wrist to arthritis and tendon pain in the hand, these issues can be painful and frustrating. It is crucial to understand how to manage these injuries and promote a safe and effective recovery.

If you’re dealing with a finger injury in pickleball, it is important to prioritize your health and well-being. While it may be tempting to continue playing through the pain, it is not recommended. Rest is key to allow the injured finger to heal properly, and icing the finger for a few days can help reduce swelling and discomfort.

Common finger injuries in pickleball can include tendinitis in the wrist, arthritis flare-ups, tendon pain in the hand, arthritis in the base of the thumb, and trigger fingers, a form of tendinitis in the hand. These injuries can be aggravated by the repetitive motions and impact involved in playing pickleball.

To aid in your recovery, it is crucial to follow proper injury management techniques. This includes resting the injured finger, applying ice to reduce inflammation, and gradually easing back into playing after a few days of rest. It is important to listen to your body and not push through the pain, as this can worsen the injury and lead to further complications.

If you’re looking for more information about common pickleball injuries and how to recover from them, there are reputable sources available to guide you. You can find resources that offer valuable insights and tips on managing and recovering from finger injuries in pickleball. These resources can provide you with the knowledge and support needed to make informed decisions about your health and well-being.

Remember, finger injuries are not to be taken lightly, and it’s crucial to prioritize your recovery. Taking the necessary steps to properly manage and recover from finger injuries in pickleball will ensure your long-term enjoyment of the game and reduce the risk of further complications.



Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance and treatment for your specific condition.


Understanding the Importance of the Right Pickleball Paddle

When it comes to playing pickleball with a broken finger, choosing the right pickleball paddle becomes crucial. The right paddle can help minimize discomfort and pain, allowing you to play with greater ease and reduce the risk of further aggravating your injury.


Factors to Consider When Choosing a Pickleball Paddle for Broken Finger Pain


Factors to Consider When Choosing a Pickleball Paddle for Broken Finger Pain

Selecting the right pickleball paddle when coping with finger pain is crucial to ensure comfortable gameplay. By prioritizing specific paddle attributes, players can minimize further strain on injured fingers and enhance their overall playing experience. Below is a comprehensive table detailing the factors to consider during your selection process.


Factor Recommendation
Weight Opt for a lighter paddle to reduce strain on the injured finger. Lighter paddles enhance maneuverability and control.
Grip Size Select a paddle with an ergonomic grip tailored to your hand size. Proper grip size alleviates finger and hand stress.
Shock Absorption Prioritize paddles with superior shock absorption to minimize vibration and impact on the finger.
Material Favor paddles crafted from softer materials like graphite or composite for better shock absorption and reduced finger strain.
Shape Choose a paddle boasting a wider hitting surface. This increases the sweet spot, reducing mis-hits and unnecessary strain.


When nursing a broken finger, the choice of pickleball paddle can make a significant difference in comfort and gameplay. By factoring in the weight, grip size, shock absorption, material, and shape of the paddle, players can confidently select equipment that prioritizes their health without compromising on performance.


Mercer Pickleball Paddles in Las Vegas


Top Picks for Pickleball Paddles for Broken Finger Pain

After extensive research and consideration, we have compiled a list of top pickleball paddles suitable for players dealing with broken finger pain:


1. Mercer Pickleball Full Throttle Paddle

  • Weight: 7.9 ounces
  • Grip Size: 4 1/4 inches
  • Material: Proprietary 3K carbon, polymer blend
  • Shock Absorption: High
  • Shape: Wide hitting surface

The Mercer Pickleball Full Throttle Paddle is an excellent choice for players with broken finger pain. It offers a lightweight design, cushioned grip for added comfort, and exceptional shock absorption properties. Its wide-hitting surface provides maximum sweet spot coverage, reducing stress on your injured finger while still delivering power and control.


2. Mercer Pickleball Feather Force Paddle

  • Weight: 7.6 ounces
  • Grip Size: 4 1/8 inches
  • Material: Kevlar, polymer blend
  • Shock Absorption: Superior
  • Shape: Wide hitting surface

The Mercer Pickleball Feather Force Paddle is another outstanding option for those dealing with finger pain. It features a lightweight build, softer materials for optimum shock absorption, and a wide-hitting surface to reduce strain. The Feather Force paddle offers a comfortable grip and fantastic control, ensuring a comfortable playing experience despite your injury.


3. Mercer Pickleball Pro Force Elite Paddle

  • Weight: 8.1 ounces
  • Grip Size: 4 3/8 inches
  • Material: Kevlar
  • Shock Absorption: Excellent
  • Shape: Wide hitting surface


The Mercer Pickleball Pro Force Elite Paddle is a top-tier choice for players seeking comfort and enhanced performance. With its slightly heavier weight, it provides additional power while still offering exceptional shock absorption properties. The Pro Force Elite’s wide hitting surface helps reduce strain on your fingers, making it an excellent option for those with broken finger pain.


Tips and Advice on Handling Carbon Fiber Pickleball Paddles


Tips and Techniques to Manage Broken Finger Pain While Playing Pickleball

When playing pickleball with a broken finger, it’s important to take precautions and use proper techniques to minimize pain and prevent further injury. In this part of the article, we will share some helpful tips and techniques that can assist you in managing broken finger pain while still being able to enjoy the game.


  • Proper Warm-up and Stretching

Before starting any physical activity, including pickleball, it is essential to warm up your muscles and joints properly. This helps increase blood flow, improve flexibility, and reduce the risk of injury. Spend a few minutes doing gentle warm-up exercises and stretches that target the hand, fingers, and wrist.


  • Protective Finger Splints

Consider wearing a finger splint or brace specifically designed for your injured finger. The splint will provide support, stability, and protection to the broken finger, reducing pain and preventing further damage while playing pickleball. Consult with a healthcare professional to ensure you choose the right type of splint for your injury.


  • Modify Your Grip

Adjust your grip on the pickleball paddle to alleviate strain on the injured finger. Experiment with different grip styles, such as using a modified eastern grip or a continental grip, to find a comfortable position that reduces stress on the affected finger.


  • Take Breaks and Limit Playing Time

Listen to your body and take regular breaks during play. Overexerting yourself can exacerbate pain and prolong the healing process. It’s important to give your body time to rest and recover. Also, consider limiting the duration of your pickleball sessions to avoid excessive strain on your injured finger.


  • Use Softer Balls

Opt for softer pickleball balls when playing with a broken finger. Softer balls have less impact and reduce strain on your finger and hand. Avoid playing with hard or heavy balls, as they can cause increased pain and discomfort.


  • Modify Your Shots

Modify your pickleball shots to avoid putting excessive stress on your injured finger. Use softer shots, such as dinks or drop shots, which require less finger and hand movement. Minimizing the force and speed of your shots can help reduce pain and prevent further injury.


  • Maintain Good Body Mechanics

Pay attention to your body mechanics while playing pickleball. Use proper technique and form to minimize strain on your injured finger and maximize efficiency. Engage your core, maintain a balanced stance, and use your entire body to generate power rather than relying solely on your fingers.


  • Ice and Rest After Playing

After each pickleball session, apply ice to your injured finger to reduce swelling and pain. Ice helps numb the area and can be wrapped in a thin cloth before applying it to the finger. Additionally, give your finger ample rest and avoid overexertion to allow for proper healing.


The Widespread Influence of Carbon Fiber Paddles



Playing pickleball with a broken finger can be challenging, but with the right pickleball paddle, you can still enjoy the game while minimizing discomfort. When choosing a paddle for broken finger pain, consider factors such as weight, grip size, shock absorption, material, and shape. The Mercer Pickleball Full Throttle, Feather Force, and Pro Force Elite paddles are all excellent options to alleviate pain and provide a comfortable playing experience. Remember to consult with a medical professional before returning to physical activity after sustaining an injury.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance and treatment for your specific condition.

About Ric Mercer

About Ric Mercer

Founder of Mercer Pickleball, blends decades of sporting goods manufacturing expertise with a fervent love for pickleball, revolutionizing the sport through innovative equipment. His commitment to quality and dedication to the game has made Mercer Pickleball a recognized American name in pickleball excellence.

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